Learn French vocabulary with the song, LE LION EST MORT CE SOIR (French Song Vocabulary, SV #12, “The lion is dead tonight”), the French version of the popular song, “The Lion Sleeps Tonight“. This popular song, originally from South Africa, was sung by many French artists (including Henri Salvador in 1962) but the version we are introducing is sung by Kids United Nouvelle Génération. One of my favourite songs, it’s a peppy tune with simple vocabulary that is great for the true French beginner.
… this song was sung to mock the Lyon soccer team, OLYMPIQUE LYONNAIS.
Go to TRIVIA & MORE for the answer.
Watch the music video and see if you can fill in the Video Word Blanks below.
Learn some of the words from the song with the Word Map & Word Table below.
Word Table Preview
Notes: 1) Scroll horizontally, if all table columns are not visible. 2) LINK* This column shows the DICTIONARY-LOOK-UP word & a link to an online dictionary entry. 3) (* ) This is the translation of the conjugated verb.
Q1) TRIVIA TRUE or FALSE? Due to the similar pronunciation of LION & LYON (name of the city), this song was sung to mock the Lyon soccer team, OLYMPIQUE LYONNAIS (the team that is shown in the promotional video below).
A1) True. It started with the French film LES ONZE COMMANDEMENTS (The Eleven Commandments, a French film version of the sketch comedy tv show “Jackass”). The word LION & LYON sound similar, so to mock OLYMPIQUE LYONNAIS (the soccer team that plays in the Lyon city Olympic Park stadium) the performers sang LE LION EST MORT CE SOIR (The lion is dead tonight) in the stadium.
Use the clues below to guess which word from the word list is Review Word (A) and fills the article blank below. Can you also guess Bonus Word (B) using the word map clues.
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Here is a sneak peek of a vocabulary word from the next FSV blog post song, ÇA VA ÇA VIENT (FSV #13). Can you guess the vocabulary word in the blank?
Sneak Peek Word